
when hell freezes over

if there were ever a day where hell indeed would freeze over, this would be the day. never in the whole course of my life have i experienced such temperatures. let me tell you about my morning.
  • i woke up and accidentally kicked illias the dog. he was sleeping on my bed.
  • i answered a few emails.
  • i checked people's blogs.
  • i did paperwork.
now, paperwork is due on tuesdays by 11. "no problem" i think to myself. "i will simply finish my paperwork by 9 am, go to yoga at 9:30 and still have time to drop paperwork off by 11." here is what happened.
  • i finished up paperwork
  • i drank a glass of OJ
  • put on yoga clothes
  • tied my shoes
  • put on winter coat
  • put wallet and keys in coat
  • put on scarf
  • said goodbye to illias the dog
  • went outside to my car
  • started car
are you still reading? if not, pay closer attention to this part.
  • let car warm up for a few minutes
  • drove out of driveway
  • drove to end of street, turned right
  • drove one block
  • heard strange and loud sound
  • felt car jiggle and bounce
  • pulled into mechanic's lot which happened to be on my immediate right
  • got out of my car
  • looked at passenger side tire
  • found tire completely flat and coming off of car.
well. at least i was at a mechanic's.
  • found mechanic
  • told him my tire was coming off
  • he said "let's take a look"
  • we walk to my car
  • he literally takes a step back and involuntarily exclaims "whoa!"
  • i die a little on the inside
as it turns out, things like this happen in the cold cold cold cold cold cold weather. (whaa...?) so i walked home. let it also be known that the wind chill factor is currently -15 degrees celcius. just kidding. fahrenheit. allow me to remind you that i am only wearing thin yoga pants because i did not plan on spending more than 45 seconds in the great outdoors. and although i live very close to the mechanic's, it is still a healthy ten minute walk back to the house. and in that small amount of time, i nearly lost all fingers and toes. i kid you not. my fingers were aching with an unbelievable pain as they warmed up inside my house. that's how cold it was. plus i had gloves on and had my hands in my pockets of my coat while walking, so you do the math. i have now been home for twenty minutes. thankfully i lived to tell the tale. what a crappy day.


At 1:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

girlfriend, our wind chill was -30 this weekend. and the actual temperature when i drove to the fallout saturday morning was -14. if you don't have at least 2 layers on all over, you might as well be naked because that cold cuts right through you.

At 1:40 PM, Blogger k.o. said...

yes. granted, Minneapolis is colder. the material point is that i did not have at least 2 layers. just flimsy little yoga pants. :)

At 11:29 AM, Blogger Jersey said...

it's freezing here. but thank goodness it is still not so cold!!! don't you love that burning sensation as your hands slowly thaw out? yeah. didn't think so.


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