
of kitchen blinds

in boston grand
two women stand
inside a kitchen yellow
with aims to pass
such daunting tasks
as claim e'en many a fellow

the night drew nigh
and with a sigh
miss linda spied the table
"oh kathryn dear
these curtains here
we'll hang if we are able!"

they set to see
if either one could manage
to set the drill
and try to fill
the holes with screws they'd cram-age

a valiant fight!
turn left! turn right!
now straight! the screws did scamper!
across the room
and pretty soon
the cheerful mood did damper

As oft will be
the girls did see
no chance to mend the ruffage
when said Ms J.
that they should stay
a glance at other stuff-age.

in name, the box!
"let's place our stocks
upon the detailed pictures
contained within
the pages thin
to help us place the fixtures"

then by great chance
K's eye did glance
upon a piece to fasten
unclasp the hinge--
no need to twinge
or force the shade to crash-in

Hey hey! Ho ho!
the shades just so
are permanently fix-ed
atop the pane
of glass they frame--
let's have a drink well mix-ed

some nuts and grapes
to celebrate
an ev'ning well triumphant!
with time to spare
and wine to share
they bask on porch-chair-summit!


At 10:14 PM, Blogger Julie said...

Critics acclaim O Kitchen Blinds as Flawless, Effortless...A MUST READ!!

At 10:15 PM, Blogger Julie said...

PS...is that what the critics do...acclaim?? I just couldnt quite get it :)


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