
and yet

this week has been tremendously difficult for me. i feel...blank. like the title of my blog. there are a lot of things going on but they are hard to differentiate between. sort of a rollercoaster. On top of this, i am in between apartments. half of my belongings are in the new place on the south side and the other half remains in shady side. i spent most of my evening on the floor of my new place because it had more windows. right now it feels critical to get as much natural light as i can. i did not get enough sleep this week as it is and woke up several times last night. there are about five people whose phone calls i need to return. i dont have enough money to pay my bills. my clients cancel more that i can afford. i charged $500 dollars for a major car repair. and yet...the lord is gracious and compassionate. he is always exactly on time. my soul waits for the lord more than watchmen wait for the morning.


At 6:37 AM, Blogger Peter Cava said...

Sorry that you are under so much pressure from so many different directions . . . but grateful that you are so strong . . . one of my heroes, I daresay . . .


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