Poseidon, god of the sea.
several weeks ago, a storm raged through this coastal town. not long afterward, my mother and i went for a walk along the shoreline. mid-walk, we happened upon a beautiful red beaded necklace lying in the sand. naturally we stopped to stare at it for a few seconds. our eyes scanned the beach for the owner of said necklace. seeing no one, i picked it up. it seemed a shame to leave a perfectly fantastic necklace half buried in the rising tide. we continued our walk and i let the necklace hang loosely from my hand so that anyone walking past us might be able see/claim the necklace. not a soul gave me a second glance.i came to the conclusion that i, having obviously found favor with Poseidon, god of the Sea, was given the necklace as a gift. you see, this necklace is magical. it has startlingly matched and enhanced every single article of clothing that i have worn. in fact, when i take the necklace off, i suddenly am overcome with the stark plainness and uglification that my clothing undergoes.
ian has told me that the simplest explanations are generally the most reasonable. clearly, my reasoning is impecable. Poseidon's benevolence is the only plausible theory.
Pictures PLZ! ;-) This Poseidon sounds like a good egg.
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