
in the evening

last night i sat on my porch swing for several hours listening to distant thunder. i listened and listened and thought about a conversation i had the other day. i was talking to a friend (who loves me dearly) on the phone and asked him a pretty difficult question. i must admit i was surprised that he was not even remotely thrown off. in fact, he responded with an incredibly high degree of grace and compassion. (did i mention it was his birthday?) it's funny--some things you just know and some things you need to be reminded of. i guess you could say he reminded me of myself. he is actually coming to visit briefly this weekend. there are a few people who simply feel like home to me and he is one of the best. the reason he is one of the best is that he has this unusual streak of actual unconditional love. it is fierce and untame, but it is THERE, and that is what counts. at least for me.


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