comedy of errors
my car is in the shop. again. a few hot tears just rolled down my cheek. i cannot afford any more time off of work. see, i only worked up til noon today and then took my car on an emergency trip to the shop around the corner from my house. a few minutes ago i walked back down to the shop and asked about the car's status. they told me it wont be ready til tomorrow sometime...which means i have to cancel another session pending the phone call which could come anywhere between 9-12. also, my afternoon client is on vacation. great. so for the moment, i am trapped inside my nearly empty old apartment without my paperwork and without a means to get around. i planned to spend time at the new place organizing things and what not, but plans have changed. i dont feel like i can take much more upheaval. at least i am breathing. that, at least so far, has remained constant.
Special delivery: Peter Cava's warm, cushiony love on all sides of you. Feel free to nest for a bit.
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