
i feel weird.

...and also awkward. awkward is such an awkward word. it is awkward to write and awkward to say. mostly, though, it is just awkward to be. yes. it's awkward to be awkward. especially when you go and do something you think will be really really cool for someone and it doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it would.

it makes you feel a little un-special. plus, you get the added bonus of starting to think that the other person feels slightly embarrassed on your behalf because what-were-you-thinking-in-the-first-place -and-please-tell-me-how-you-could-possibly-be-this-uncool.

but it's probably just me. not to worry...it's just a few of my friendly neighborhood insecure fears out for a stroll in the nice weather.

oh well. win some, lose some.


At 2:42 PM, Blogger Jersey said...

hm. you should change your title to "I am weird."


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