pass that chronic.
When i was young, my parents read the lion the witch and the wardrobe out loud to us. i also managed to memorize the delightfully low-budget BBC renditions of LW&W, Prince Caspian, Voyage of the Dawn Treader, and the Silver Chair. They were awesome. awesome like the way Neverending Story is awesome when you are five, but if you make the fatal mistake of watching it as an adult (as i did, to my own detriment) you realize "oh. that kid totally isn't flying. what a sham." kind of like that.anyway. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe is a great story, but is by no means my favorite of the series. My absolute favorite Narnia book is The Magician's Nephew (not to be confused with the Sorcerer's Apprentice, the mickey mouse disney cartoon with a bajillion walking broomsticks and the title of which forced me into a perpetual uncertainty as to which story people were actually referencing.)
moving on.
the book is fabulous. every so often i read through all the narnia books. My "favorite" probably changes here and there, but something about the Magician's Nephew compels me every time. i love it. I also just finished The Horse and his Boy. also great, although it feels a bit disjointed from the rest of the series to me. There's a distinct stylistic difference.
in other news, i just ordered seven movies from amazon. the reason that this constitutes "news" is because i don't ever buy movies since there are few films i would want to watch more than two or three times. ever. but i finally decided to take the plunge. i am so excited. you have no idea. it's a pretty big step for me...
what else? hmmm. i also caught up on Chicago Public Radio's This American Life, the only radio show i faithfully follow via podcast. sometimes i adore it; sometimes it makes me sad. this week's episode made me more frustrated than ever with American Politics. i feel like everyone lies and cheats (which is likely the case).
most people act shamefully, myself included. How do some things become political issues? Shouldn't they just be, um, everyone's concern? i dunno. seems like i meet genuinely caring and concerned persons who align themselves with both the Democratic and the Republican Parties... not to mention a few Libertarians along the way. so my question is: can't we all just get along? well, apparently not. sigh. what to do, what to do...i like people pretty well and enjoy finding common ground between us. they just don't all like each other.
sometimes i try to make that my problem. then i worry alot and experience high levels of anxiety. then i end up not liking anyone because they are all so unreasonable. just kidding. i still like people. sort of.
but i do maintain that people need to get over themselves. like, "get over yourself and read a good book."
something nice and simple, like a narnia book.
or you can rot your brain by watching cable. trouble is, you might accidentally catch a politician on the news...thank heavens for SNL, the great provider of such great sketches as "Lazy Sunday" featuring that croni*WHAT*cles of narnia.
Ever checked out "Wait! Wait! Don't Tell Me!" as a podcast? It's great for an hour-long drive (unless Paula Poundstone's on it).
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