adendum/revision. grace for this.
in my previous post i said that beauty is always accompanied by violence. but a dear friend's comment on this compells me to further clarify--for all of our sakes. perhaps a better way to say it is that from our broken condition we are able to recognize beauty because we equally identify with its contrasting opposite. it has been my experience that extraordinary art and works of beauty are often (*not always) the result of much pain. what i wanted to communicate is that the thing that is the most beautiful to me is the redemption of man through Christ. I marvel at the mystery that this thing of ultimate beauty was born out of the ultimate act of violence: man crucifying God incarnate. As we approach the end of the lenten season, it is only appropriate that we reflect on the fact that Christ's violent crucifixion birthed the most unthinkably beautiful and most fundamentally disruptive (and redemptive) moment in the history of the world. the fact of the cross--its violence and beauty--changes everything. maybe the line is blurred on a smaller scale. but in its most extreme form, the full weight of beauty hits me only when i take its opposite into consideration. i value other perspectives on this, as i do not claim to be in any way athoritative on the topic. please disagree with me. tell me your thoughts so that my perspective can widen. much love.
I can't disagree. I love this and I find it to be true. It has only been as I've experienced great pain and rejection that I've been able to identify with Christ's sufferings. Only the experience of that kind of pain has made me understand how vast His grace is. much love to you too and I'm so excited about being related! :-)
wink. :)
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