labor of love
love is a facinating subject, mostly because it is so enigmatical. Who can really say what it IS? or rather, LIVE out what it demands? Certainly not I. love IS a many splendored thing, it probably lifts us up where we belong, and i actually believe that in one sense, all we need is love. But the call of love is a call to a very disciplined life...a life full of great sacrifice and hardship which catches most people off guard. The popular song i referenced gives the impression that the only thing you need is the feeling of strong affections. Well, that will always break down because it is, at the core, self seeking.anyway, i'm in the middle of a new song. i think i shall call it "labor of love". I'm still wrestling through what it means, but the overarching theme is that Christ's willing sacrifice is the ultimate labor of love. except most of my songs don't explicitly say "jesus Christ died on the cross to save us from our sins." I like to think that my use of imagery and phrasing is more artful/thought provoking/less cliche...but as usual, i could be wrong.
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