The Title is ______.
I'm Having A Crisis.
I've come to the surprising (at least for me) conclusion that I do not actually wish to continue working with children long-term. I love them. They are creative. They are wonderful. They wipe boogers on you. They are easily bribed and pacified with little smiley-face stickers. They tattle on each other. They love to paint their bodies and hair. They will be fine with out me. I will not be fine without music.what to do, what to do.
lent, children, parties and other fancy things
lent is fancy. i've grown to value this time in the church year tremendously. one of the greatest seasons of my life was Lent 2006. It was a time of incredible creativity and growth. i became very interested in liturgical worship and this year has been a close second so far...i did a lot of writing about two weeks ago and am excited to see what happens in the next six weeks. i also love this season because it connects my spirit to the life-blood of the church. it's precious to me because it allows me to engage the full spectrum of human spirituality.*****
last week i got angry at a child. i temporarily lost perspective--this little person has yet to turn 4. i surprised myself with how evil i am capable of being. the little episode ended with me informing this child that i didn't want to hear him talk again and that i would not listen to what he had to say. (this is exactly the opposite of what i believe in.) the exchange that snapped me back to reality was where this little boy said "kathryn, i'm really sorry. i'm really sorry i made a bad decision. i'm really sorry. i forgive you, kathryn. i really forgive you."
i hugged his little body close to mine and fought the urge to cry.
i felt forgiven by jesus. Out of the mouths of babes.
last night i went to a great party. GREAT. PARTY. seriously. i had a wonderful time. i feel sort of gross this morning bc it was such a late night and i have trouble sleeping past 6:00am. ah well. it happens.
i am cooking breakfast with a friend right now. actually, she is cooking. i am sitting and writing this blog entry.
i also have to warm up my voice...we're singing in church today...
enjoy your day.