

I am planning a wedding. fo reaaalz, yo. it's awesome. We have a lot of things already locked in place. I've got a church, a reception place, food, flowers, a dress, a family and a groom. I likey! chad is great. he makes me glad. I talked with one of my dear friends from college for almost two hours this afternoon. It was wonderful to hear her advice and learn from her about the ways she has learned to trust the Lord with her life. I admire this woman. We, at times, have undergone parallel painful chapters in our lives. She married a wonderful man. And now she gets to see me marry one too.

i think the reason i've been so MIA on this blog the past ten months is because i've been busy learning how much i need jesus. Nothing will do that to you like a relationship...

I'm also taking an online class. who knew those were so much FREAKING WORK???????!?!? good grief.

anyway, i sort of miss the blogging world. maybe i will start getting back into it again. Chad and i are figuring out details of where to live and such things...but i think i can squeeze in some blogging here and there!

for those of you NOT on facebook, my ring is a sapphire with lots of diamond chips all around it. white gold. it is exactly suited to me. and so is chad. !!!

be well. i have to do homework now. (i can't believe how much time i've wasted since saturday morning!)


The News.

I'm gettin' married. It's good.