
my bon voyage cake

my friend emily made a bon voyage cake for me last night. we went on a picnic. we carried our slices of cake on plates. here are some pictures.


fat and beautiful

There is a certain person (who shall remain nameless) bent upon the belief that she and i are amidst a sort of "war" regarding whose sister bears cuter offspring. It is incumbent upon me to inform my readers that this alleged "war" has no foundation in truth or reality. albeit true that afore-mentioned friend's niece exhibits qualities which, according to their very nature, would whereby thrust whomever possesses them into the realm of "cute", there is, in point of fact, no argument that can conceivably be made against the overwhelming supremacy of little bridget's radiant glory. It is a right and just thing to extend the graceful and figurative branch of pity toward she-who-will-not-be-named for having thus far fallen prey to the fantastical falsehoods so egregiously contrived by and within her degenerate mind. so sad.

well chosen words.

if you would care to glance over to the right side of my blog, you will find a listing of links to blogs belonging to friends of mine. one of the links is shown as "Petras". if you click on this link, you will be directed to the blog of one of the greatest women alive. her most recent blog entry to date begins with enlarged letters that proclaim the following statement: damn you, wintry mix.

She and i think as one.

also, we both like to sing. that is all.


ok, so remember the elephant?

the one in the room? i sure do. i thought about it again last night for a little while. i really enjoy looking through old journals and remembering where i was, where i am now and where i am going. yesterday i read through my journals covering the last year. i also re-read my whole blog. you may call me crazy, but it is good to reflect. it all started during coffee with two college friends last evening. it got me thinking about my life and how crazy it has been at times. we threw names back and forth, jogged each other's memories, laughed, sighed. some stories never get old.


Beware the Ides of March!

*this post is primarily for the benefit of Ian, who rolled his eyes at me this afternoon*

just couldn't resist

i am fully aware that most of you do not care about pictures of my niece and nephew as much as i do. no matter. you should.

who among you can find a cuter baby? i dare answer in your stead: NO ONE.


i feel weird.

...and also awkward. awkward is such an awkward word. it is awkward to write and awkward to say. mostly, though, it is just awkward to be. yes. it's awkward to be awkward. especially when you go and do something you think will be really really cool for someone and it doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it would.

it makes you feel a little un-special. plus, you get the added bonus of starting to think that the other person feels slightly embarrassed on your behalf because what-were-you-thinking-in-the-first-place -and-please-tell-me-how-you-could-possibly-be-this-uncool.

but it's probably just me. not to worry...it's just a few of my friendly neighborhood insecure fears out for a stroll in the nice weather.

oh well. win some, lose some.


Little Bridget and Baby Jack

this is little bridget. she is so freaking cute that it's difficult to breathe. this is baby jack. this picture is hilarious because it is real. this picture is just to prove that he also is super cute, not just funny. this is little bridget and baby jack playing together.


J M.

anyone know justin mcroberts? if you don't, you should. he's an incredibly insightful musician. he'll be at grove city on march 21st. i, for one, will be there. one particular song of his is especially insightful. the lyrics are as follows...

its safe for everyone
clean jokes and cleaner fun
come bring your kids and wife
stay safe and stay alive

we'll close and lock the doors
to keep the bad ones out
that's how we'll show them
just how good it is inside this house

they'd hurt our young
they'd steal our time
they'd eat our bread and drink our wine

i'd rather fail a thousand times
then live in fear
and never try

it's safe and quiet now
far from the sleeping crowds
who clamour for what they deserve
these sinners sure do have some nerve
we've earned our right to live in peace
we're choosing christ and living quietly

a thousand times
i'd rather fall
than be afraid
to move at all
and after all
what is this thing
that you call grace

come brings the kids and wife

pretty challenging.